Sunday 14 February 2010

Umm err...

Lack of posts on the blog have started to get me down but in a weird kind of way. The pain in the shoulder is still really giving me some difficulty. I have to say work has taken over my life this week as the handover has been dominating everything I have been doing and it is this week where to be honest I could have done with no training or anything else to distract me because the running of the department is all consuming at the minute with so many processes and personnel issues that I have been swamped mentally and physically and it has been kepping me up at night thrashing things out in my head. The disturbing thing is that this is purely the handover and as of tomorrow its my department, 25 plus people who have been having a rough time of the past year and all looking to me, ulp!

When it comes to keeping on top of the blog I'm my own worst enemy, I know I should do it but I get a stubborn streak come over me and I end up thinking "What can I talk about today?"

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