Monday 9 April 2012

Holiday break

It's all been quiet on he training front the last couple of days as I have been enjoying the long Easter weekend. I firmly believe in having down time and trying to switch off from everything. All I have been doing is enjoying time with the family, I have still been out for runs and I took the girls out for a nice county walk, so a bit of phys can still be fitted in.

This week will see some patterns practice and I will most likely go to the school tomorrow night as I am still off for the rest of the week due to my birthday on Weds. A big milestone is the first 6 mile run for probably 20 odd years tomorrow, it will be interesting to see how I handle it as anyone who reads these blogs knows I am now natural runner! With that in mind though I think I may be getting into the habit of running as I am actually looking forward to it tomorrow ( never thought I'd say that)

All in all I'm feeling positive about things, I know I have tonnes still to do but being aware of the things I still need to accomplish is a good sign and when you put yourself out there it makes it easier to knuckle down and get things done.

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