Monday, 2 July 2012

The week ahead

With all the positive vibes floating around I'm hoping that this week is going to be a successful one. I know I have to complete some more activity on my pattern breakdown and importantly keep up the practice on all my patterns, especially Gae Baek which is a real tricky one.

It all comes down to just getting on with things rather than constantly 'thinking' odd thing to say perhaps but sometimes its that overprocessing of all the varying strands I need to complete as part of the BB testing cycle that leads to inertia. I suppose it can bets be described as the rabbits in the headlight syndrome, so to counter that I have decided to just focus on small chunks of activity and steadily build and build until I have a really solid programme of practice and activity locked in.

So time to practice what I'm preaching, off to do my reps and then do some patterns practice before its time to shoot off to the office.

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