Monday, 22 February 2010

Feeling something...which is good

Had a bit of criticism this morning from my instructor which in some areas I judged a bit harsh but really was spot on the money and completely justified. The reason for posting is really that it made me feel, which to me is brilliant because it means I am still passionate about my training and if I feel hard done by then at least I am feeling something, not just, meh tick along with my training, do the minimum I think I can get away with etc.

Every bit of advice I have received from either my instructors, other black belts or fellow students, of any rank, I have tried to incorporate it into my training but I will hold my hand up and say, I only have a finite time that i can dedicate to my training but realistically I need to focus into that precious time and cut back on the prevarication, which does creep in from time to time.

This morning has been a great splash of cold water on the face and hopefully I am just being overly sensitive as I get closer to the grading date, I need to forget looking at myself in relation to other students and concentrate a bit more on myself and what I need to achieve.

1 comment:

  1. FWIW Stu, my comment on the forum wasn't actually aimed *at* you. It was just triggered by the comment you made in your journal.

    Glad it helped though!
